The Essence of Craftsmanship

At Nixon Cigar Company, we believe in more than just smoking cigars—we celebrate the artistry behind every handcrafted blend. Our cigars are carefully curated for those who appreciate luxury and the finer things in life. Indulge in an experience that’s rich in tradition and unmatched in quality.

For the Refined Cigar Enthusiast
Signature Cigars & Accessories
Premium cigars and accessories for an elevated Nixon Cigar experience. Crafted for true connoisseurs.
Explore Tools Premium Cigar line

Indulge in Luxury

Explore Our Cigar Collection

Experience the rich flavors and unique blends of our premium cigars. Each selection is crafted to elevate your smoking experience.

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What Our Customers Say

Very satisfied customer!

I recently purchased the sampler and a few singles. I was very pleased with the prompt delivery. In addition, I was impressed with the great selection of cigars that they offer. So far enjoying all the options.

— John S.

Thanks Nixon!

The cigars I ordered arrived quickly, well-packaged, and they are delicious. Also, the total cost is fair and the quality is that of an elite level cigar. So I would say this company will be one of the greats if they keep this up.

— Eddie N.

I'm a Nixon Cigar customer now!

Discovered Nixon Cigar Company when my usual place was out of stock. I ran into the owner and heard the story and checked them out. I then compared the prices of other cigars that I smoked and enjoyed and compared to quality and price Nixon cigars were lower priced with better quality. So now I am a customer!

— Chadwick C.

My Review

I discovered this company via a friend who knew I enjoyed cigars and reviewed them. So I purchased the sampler and the Quincy and smoked 1 a week. I have to say that these cigars, and I mean all of them, burned extremely smooth, even, and the taste and flavor was bar non. There’s a lot of good cigars out there and I have reviewed many, but these I would consider to among the elites already!

— Tamera M.

Unveiling Premium Quality

Nixon Cigar Duffle Bag

Travel in style with this Nixon Cigar signature duffle bag. It is large enough for a week or weekend getaway and as you would expect, we included a special holding pouch for your cigars and accessories.

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Nixon Cigar signature Snapback

Style happens in this classic snapback hat. From it's color options, hard brim, and adjustable back this is a must to any hat collection.

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Nixon unisex crossbody

Carry your essentials in style with this sleek and versatile crossbody bag. Designed for both men and women. Ideal for cigar lovers on the go.

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Perfect for Golf Lovers

Golf Cigar Holder & Divot Repair tool

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Stay Hydrated in Style

Havana House Sports Water Bottle

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Precision Cutting

Stainless Steel Double Blade Cigar Scissors

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Exploring the World of Premium Cigars

Our Head Quarters

7901 4th St. N. St. Petersburg, Fl.33702

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